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File List | 1994-08-19 | 14.4 KB | 185 lines |
- ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ 17 - Math and Science Programs │
- └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- CHM312.ZIP 336367 07-19-94 COMPUTATIONAL CHEM MANUAL 3.12 <ASP>
- | Problem solving in Computational
- | Chemistry and other areas. Techniques
- | are applicable to all math-based
- | analyses. Activity coefficients,
- | conductivity data, Flory-Huggins
- | formula, heat capacity, ideal gas law,
- | Langmuir adsorption, mixture
- | composition, mole fractions, poison
- | distribution, vapor pressure, etc.
- CONVERTI.ZIP 178078 04-23-94 Useful metric customary converter.
- DC13.ZIP 277417 04-01-94 DC CIRCUIT ANALYSIS 1.3 <ASP> March
- | 1994. This program can create and eval-
- | uate computer circuits. The documenta-
- | tion functions as a tutorial on computer
- | circuits. The program requires a 286 or
- | later, EGA or VGA graphics adapter and a
- | color monitor. It can run in 300 KB of
- | RAM. A mouse is recommended and a math
- | coprocessor will speed up calculations.
- | Mouse or math coprocessor is required.
- EWATCH35.ZIP 240914 05-13-94 Earthwatch 3.5 <ASP> Displays in
- | Real-Time a dynamic mercator map of
- | earth. Featuring selectable Date &
- | Time, Day/Night Areas, World Time Zones,
- | Sun Rise/Set Times, Solstices &
- | Equinoxes, Sun & Moon Positions And
- | Distances, Map Options, & More. CGA &
- | VGA Versions. Requires HD.
- FI020.ZIP 270847 03-29-94 FractInt 1.1 - fractint porting (68020).
- GRAPH50_.ZIP 57392 03-31-94 GRAPHIT! 4.5. Great graphing program.
- | Graphs trigonometric functions and math
- | eq. Accepts input for period, amp &
- | shift. Features mouse use, range, PI
- | values & sound. FAST! FUN!
- GRMAT33D.ZIP 140513 04-04-94 Graphmatica for DOS 3.30b by kSoft, Inc.
- | An easy-to-use, powerful equation
- | plotter suitable for students and
- | teachers of math from algebra through
- | college calculus. Using common mathe-
- | matical syntax, you can enter equations
- | to draw 5 types of 2-D graphs (carte-
- | sian, polar, parametric, ordinary
- | differential equations, and inequali-
- | ties), unlimited.
- HPCLC092.ZIP 50806 04-09-94 RPN calculator with a layout similar to
- | that of the HP 41c. HPcalc is meant to
- | be a simple calculator and does not have
- | programmability like the real HP 41c.
- KSTAT338.ZIP 680966 04-05-94 KWIKSTAT 3.38 <ASP, ESC> - Allows you
- | perform statistical data analyses and
- | graph business & scientific data. 1992
- | SIA winner. Recognized as one of the
- | best data analysis packages. Dr.
- | Filefinder says "No program I've seen
- | beats KWIKSTAT." Created, maintained &
- | supported by professional statisticians.
- | 10,000+ registered copies worldwide.
- | Reads dBASE, 1-2-3, ASCII files.
- | personal view by Ralph Buttigieg. What
- | sort of future will we leave our
- | children? We CAN colonize this planet!
- | From NASA! TRUE/BOOK FORM/PCX Graphics.
- MATH1A.ZIP 22192 03-02-94 MATHHELP by Mike Wenzel. This program
- | is written in TurboC and will output the
- | bolt hole coordinates about a circle.
- | Outputs to screen, disk file, printer or
- | a combination of the three. GREAT for
- | Machinists!
- MATHP.ZIP 143159 06-24-94 Math for Prizes: educational math
- | program allows some programming for
- | additional problems and prizes for good
- | scores.
- MATHTOOL.ZIP 48856 04-01-94 MathTools. Extended Scientific Calcul-
- | ator. DOS successor to MathCad. Every-
- | thing your PC should do! Returns highly
- | accurate values & supports (optional)
- | math co-processor. Cool Interface.
- | Does Log, Ln, Sin, Cos, Tan, Csc, Sec,
- | Cot, Prime/Whole Tests, Deg/Grad/Rad
- | Conversions, Areas, to name a few.
- MBINGO.ZIP 441419 06-03-94 Math Bingo 1.0. A fun and easy way to
- | learn math facts while playing bingo.
- | Math Bingo is a non-drill game in which
- | the player is never penalized for an
- | error. Voice messages are provided to
- | reinforce learning. For more excitement
- | you may record your own sound effects
- | using Windows 3.1 Sound Recorder.
- | Requires: Windows 3.1, mouse, VGA, hard
- | drive and sound card (opt).
- MERLN104.ZIP 176139 05-28-94 MERLIN'S MATH 1.04. Episodes 1 & 2 of
- | the Merlin's Math series. Teaches
- | multiplication of multiple digit
- | numbers, up to 5 by 5 digits, and long
- | division. Stating as an apprentice
- | magician, the student gains in power by
- | solving math problems of increasing
- | difficulty. Requires 286 or higher,
- | mouse, and VGA. <ASP>
- METRIC30.ZIP 190199 04-12-94 MetriCon 3.0. A DOS-based 'Metric'
- | conversion utility.
- MISTY21.ZIP 68098 03-11-94 Misty Expression Evaluator 2.1. Evaluate
- | & Graph math expressions. Iterative and
- | recursive tables.
- MRM110.ZIP 314423 06-25-94 Mr. Machinist is an easy-to-use menu
- | driven math program designed to solve
- | the every day geometry and trigonometry
- | problems that machinist and industrial
- | engineers encounter. Get the chord of a
- | circular sector, do conversions, find
- | speeds and feeds for drilling, milling,
- | tapping, use calculator for formulas,
- | and also edit multiple files.
- NBRAIN12.ZIP 78400 03-08-94 NBrain 1.2. Neural Network Simulator.
- PAPC20.ZIP 80475 04-09-94 Programmable arbitrary precision RPN
- | line oriented calculator with virtual
- | stack and memory registers, and
- | financial and date functions. Source
- | code available from author. This is a
- | DOS program, can run in a window under
- | Windows. Help function requires Buerg's
- | LIST.COM or other program named LIST.
- PHY312.ZIP 211835 07-17-94 INTERACTIVE PHYSICS MANUAL 3.12 <ASP>
- | For problem solving in Physics, Applied
- | Physics and Physical Chemistry. Tech-
- | niques are applicable to all math-based
- | analyses. Topics: vectors, motion,
- | radiation, stress/strain, series,
- | integration, ideal gases, electricity,
- | optics, AC circuits, RF design.
- | Completely solved problems with
- | versatile spreadsheet/calculator.
- | Display/save/recall/print ballistics
- | data: energy, velocity, trajectory data,
- | flight time, wind deflection. EGA/CGA
- | display 15 trajectories. Find ballistic
- | coefficient, free recoil, sectional
- | density, point-blank range, slant fire
- | data, wind correction, MV (2 methods).
- | Bullet data lookup. On-line help.
- | Custom utilities.
- RFMATCH5.ZIP 82917 04-06-94 RF Impedance Calculator.
- SHAKE10.ZIP 49496 03-23-94 This plots the January 17th Northridge,
- | CA. earthquake events in two modes
- | magnitude/date and magnitude/location.
- | Complete with database file containing 4
- | months of data. Interesting stuff, if
- | you're into Seismology. EGA/VGA
- | Required. FREEWARE!
- SOL312.ZIP 211793 07-19-94 ASTRO EQUATION SOLVER 3 3.12 <ASP>
- | Interactive simultaneous equation
- | solver. Solves linear and non-linear
- | simultaneous equations. Format-free.
- | Up to 30 unknowns. Also a spreadsheet/
- | calculator. Versatile, powerful and
- | very portable.
- UNIVPNL.ZIP 219406 04-25-94 VOYAGER III Panel Control. Allows you
- | to use the main Control Panel for more
- | options in the VOYAGER III Astronomy
- | program. With this option module you
- | will have many more options using
- | VOYAGER III. Requires a 386 or 486
- | platform. Soundblaster and 2 to 4 megs
- | RAM suggested.
- WINDCHL.ZIP 99693 06-21-94 WindChill Factor Calculator! Freeware
- | written in Visual Basic for DOS.
- | ZONEware.
- WLPLT250.ZIP 284024 03-08-94 WL-Plot 2.50. Mathematical Plotting
- | Program. Plots either Algebraic or RPN
- | functions in cartesian, parametric, and
- | polar modes. Also graphs inverses,
- | integrals, 1st & 2nd derivatives,
- | rotated conic sections, non-function
- | relations, bifurcations, recursive
- | relations and best fit curves. Great
- | for Algebra through Calculus and Physics
- | courses. Free for educational use.